Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I can't believe the time has almost come!  I leave for the MTC in two weeks (September 21st).  I will be there for about three weeks and then I will head out to Chicago!

I have been asked to speak in church this upcoming Sunday (September 11th at 11:00 A.M. at the LDS chapel on Northview between Allumbaugh and Fry) as a sort of "farewell" before leaving for my mission.  I have been trying to study and search the scriptures as well as the words of prophets in preparation for my talk.  I hope to be able to share the spirit of truth that I feel about the gospel of Jesus Christ both during my talk on Sunday and throughout my mission. 

Other preparations are coming well and I have gathered most of the things that I will take with me for the next 18 months.  It's crazy to think that after living at school these last three years with more stuff than could fit in my car, that I will spend the next year and half living out of two suitcases.  But it has been good for me to learn how to simplify and condense.

In choosing to go on a mission, I will be leaving many things behind.  I am putting off school, leaving behind friends; I will miss the weddings of some very dear friends, I will miss my niece being born, and miss watching my others nieces and nephew grow up; I will miss making memories with my roommates, I will miss being able to call my mom and dad, or just chat with my sisters when I have some free time.  I will miss many things, it's true.  But to share the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and bring the joy of faith into the lives of others, will make it all worth it.  

I know that Jesus Christ lived upon the earth and that the same church which existed in his day, exists upon the earth today.  I know that Joseph Smith was called of God to bring about that restoration and that God continues to call prophets to lead and guide his church today.  Thomas S. Monson is the current prophet and I truly believe that he has been called of God.  I know the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.  That it is, like the Old and New Testaments, another testament of Jesus Christ.  This is my testimony.  This is the reason I have chosen to serve a mission.  Because I know these things to be true, and I want to share that message and the joy that comes from knowing and having a relationship with our loving Father in Heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful testimony! This post brought tears to my eyes as I reflected on my missionary service. You will be a wonderful missionary. The people of the Chicago mission will be greatly blessed by your service and testimony!
